课程名称:费城市立儿童医院 | 上课地点:美国费城 |
招生对象: 企业总裁、副总裁、董事长、总经理、集团事业部经理和企业中高层管理者等 |
课程时长:3 | 课程目标: 医疗科学、医疗管理 |
讲师(嘉宾): | 组团人数:20人以内 |
Since its start in 1855 as the nation's first hospital devoted exclusively to caring for children, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has been the birthplace for many dramatic firsts in pediatric medicine. The Hospital has fostered medical discoveries and innovations that have improved pediatric healthcare and saved countless children’s lives. Over 150 years of innovation and service to our patients, their families and our community, reflect an ongoing commitment to exceptional patient care.
上一企业/机构:纽约新泽西港港务局 | 下一企业/机构:联合国 |
机构名称 | 课程类型 | 上课地点 |